Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Dear Friend,

I am still praising God for what we have. Can you imagine how hopeless it is for people who don’t know Jesus? There were times before I knew Jesus that I didn’t know if life on this planet was worth living. At the ripe old age of 14, I contemplated suicide. The hopelessness I felt at the time was hard to describe. One particular day I had a razor blade ready to slash my wrist, but thank God that my mom and stepdad came home early.

Unfortunately, there have been many teenage suicides, and that is so very sad. I still think a lot of this hopelessness is what we’re under as a nation. God is being taken out of so many things. God forbid we ever have to stand before Him and say why we didn’t pray for our leaders like He instructed us to do in His Word—from the president on down to our local government officials.

There are so many benefits in serving our Lord. I pray for lots of different people through the week, and I talked to a very sweet lady who will be 80 years old on her next birthday. She said, “Honey, I live on an acre of land. I mow and weed-eat it myself and I raise a garden. I live on a set income and I owe no man any debt but to love them.” She chuckled then and said, “That in itself is a miracle.” Then she went on to tell me how she has never taken medication or anything. Now that’s a testimony!

We can get to that same place of manifested peace and health in our relationship with the Lord, for they are some of our many benefits as His children. I don’t want anyone to feel condemned. That’s not why I shared this woman’s testimony. I want to encourage you to put your trust and confidence in Jesus, because He loves you. Psalm 68:19 says: Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. And Psalm 34:4 says: I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Isn’t the provision God has made for us awesome?

In John 14:1, Jesus said: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. Jesus then went on to say that He was preparing a place for us, so when we leave this planet, we will join Him. We are so blessed!

We have all had days where life seemed hopeless, but really, we have everything we need in God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Please let not your heart be troubled. The devil will continue attacking, and we can rejoice in the fact that he has been defeated.

In His love,

Donner Roberson