Author Archives: Donner Roberson

We the People

Dear Friend, Our nation’s independence is celebrated every year on the Fourth of July. Sometimes, it seems like a lot of people don’t understand what it takes to keep our independence. The lack of loyalty to our country is heartbreaking. We have the freedom to worship, pray, and voice our opinions. When we unite in

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Confess Jesus

Dear Friend, We just finished celebrating the Easter holiday, and we can all appreciate that we have a living God—not a statue made of concrete or metal. Jesus made a way for us by giving up His life for us all. Amen. First Corinthians 15:20 says: But now is Christ risen from the dead, and

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His Blood

Dear Friend, We’re living in a time where prayer is absolutely one of the most important things we can do. I love our country, and I refuse to surrender to the schemes and plans that Satan has for us. Jesus has defeated him, and we need to rub the devil’s nose in it just like

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His Love

Dear Friend, Valentine’s Day can make people think about love and commitments. But love is much more than chocolate and flowers. Amen. There are different types of love—the love between friends, the love of family, and of course the love in marriage. In all of these relationships, however, there should be trust, loyalty, honesty, and

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Dear Friend, In my home, we are entering into 2024 with some great resolutions—spend more time with God, lose weight, etc. I’m smiling. However, this really is what I am purposing in my heart to do. Jesus paid a great price for me, and I want to walk in the freedom He has given me.

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The Peace of Jesus

Dear Friend, Christmas should mean everything to us. Our Redeemer was born and He lives! Amen. Jesus came so we would have life everlasting. I know that if we were to look at current situations in the world, one might be discouraged or even fearful. But the good news is: Our Redeemer lives. Hallelujah!! Mark

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Dear Friend, It’s hard to believe that November is here already. This is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I have so much to be thankful for. Amen. I’m thankful to have a family who loves me and has stood with me through many trials in life. I love my children, grandchildren, and great

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Mercy, Love, & Grace

Dear Friend, I’ve been thinking a lot about God’s grace and mercy, and I am so grateful for His love and understanding—without them, we would all be lost. Amen. Jesus paid an extraordinary price for our salvation, and it is available for all people to receive. I know that’s hard to see with how things

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